IT-STOCK subscription terms

To subscribe in IT-STOCK user must read and agree the terms of use and in case of violating these terms, IT-STOCK will be obliged to cancel the subscription without the right to return to it or any claims as described in the terms of use and these conditions are:

IT-STOCK may at any time and without obtaining the consent of the subscriber change, replace, terminate, or modify any part of it.

All contents of the site including but not limited to (photos, graphics, videos and music) are protected by copyrights, trademarks, patents and other intellectual property laws and in the event of a violation by the subscriber or any breach or illegal use the content will be subject to legal accountability and immediate termination of his account without any right of recourse to IT-STOCK with any claims and the subscriber agrees not to copy, republish, display, distribute or sublicense any of the site or its contents.

The subscriber is not entitled to download, circulate, display or copy any of it stock content unless authorized by IT-STOCK.

Subscriber may not remove any watermark or any notice on the content of copyright, (and marks) mean any legally registered trademark, logos, trade names, or websites used by IT-STOCK.

The subscriber may not use any similar word or mark that may cause confusion with the IT-STOCK trademarks unless after obtaining permission to do so from IT-STOCK.

All other trademarks, product names, company names and logos are owned by their respective owners and they acknowledge that ownership and their responsibility for it.

IT-STOCK or its representative has the right to collect information related to your use of the site without the right to be held accountable for that.

IT-STOCK undertakes that all your personal information is protected in accordance with the privacy policy written on the site.

The communication between the subscriber and IT-STOCK is via e-mail of the subscriber, which is approved by IT-STOCK.

The subscriber is prohibited from interfering in arranging or participating in any conductance that would infringe the rights of IT-STOCK or any third party, and this includes abuse, defamation, stalking, threatening or any regulation related to accessing or using the IT-STOCK website.

The subscriber bears all the responsibility arising from his use of the site and IT-STOCK does not bear any responsibility for any damages that may arise from his misuse of the site or any consequences that may result from that. In the event of any damages or violations that occur to IT-STOCK due to the subscriber’s mishandling of the terms of use or privacy, IT-STOCK has the right to track the subscriber and hold him legally accountable according to the damages caused.

The subscriber can access his account at any time through his own ID and password that he sets himself, which he must not share with any other party.

IT-STOCK shall be solely responsible for the processing of personal data under the Privacy Shield which is then transferred to another agent acting on its behalf where IT-STOCK complies with the privacy protection of all transfers of personal data in the State of Qatar including provisions for transfer liability.

IT-STOCK is subject to Qatari law in all its dealings and may sometimes be obliged to disclose the subscriber's personal data to the competent authorities if, for example, the matter is related to national security or if the authorities request it in an official capacity.

When the subscriber agrees to all the previous conditions and confirms his participation in the IT-STOCK website, IT-STOCK or any of its associated sub-processors may collect technical and guidance information about the subscriber’s computer for the purpose of facilitating the subscriber’s use of the website and its services and may record graphical variables such as browser type The operating system, CPU speed and Internet Protocol address of the subscriber's computer.

The subscriber reserves the right to access, change and delete his personal data and update his privacy preferences at any time.

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